We are just "regular folks" that began our search 10 years ago for skin and health solutions that we couldn’t find anywhere else. With our collective backgrounds in nutrition, healthcare, research, science, botany and life we embarked on what is now VERDAUD.

We believe in the importance of ritual. Ritual is defined as:

"A solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed fixed order."

Our "Power of 3" is a simple and quick 3 step ritual morning and night to clean, replenish and rejuvenate your skin.

It's great for all skin - normal, dry, oily, acne-prone, eczema, psoriasis, sensitive and rough textured skin.

Choose the products that work best for you and your skin.

STEP 1 - Cleanse
Verdaud Cleanse
Verdaud Pure Cleanse

STEP 2 - Tone/Balance
Verdaud Synergy Balance
Verdaud Pure Balance

STEP 3 - Moisturize
Verdaud Anti-Aging Serum
Verdaud Signature Moisture
Verdaud Pure Moisture

My choice of Verdaud products changes from time to time due to humidity levels, stress, illness, etc. which affects my skin's moisture and oil levels. My morning and evening ritual always starts with Verdaud Cleanse. Toning with Verdaud Synergy is my next step to balance my skin's pH.

Where I make a change is in my choice of moisturizer. Because my skin is on the oilier side with tendency towards breakouts, I find use of a Verdaud moisturizer isn't necessary during the day. Sometimes a light application of Verdaud Anti-Aging serum around my eyes and mouth does the trick. Sometimes I don't even need the Anti-Aging Serum.

At night I use the more emollient Verdaud Signature which bathes my skin in moisture while I sleep. I apply it on my entire face, even around my eyes. The anti-bacterial ingredients prevent breakouts that I've suffered with for most of my life.

Not satisfied with your current skincare? Want to try something new to "clean up" your life?

The Daily Ritual/Discovery Kit is a great place to start. 

GREAT SAVINGS! Experience the power of the ritual without a huge financial commitment. If items purchased separately - $55 value.


The Kit includes:
STEP 1: Verdaud Cleanse- 2 oz
STEP 2: Verdaud Balance - 2 oz
STEP 3: Verdaud Moisture - 2 oz
• Silicone Cleansing Pad
• Microfiber Cloth
• Handy Makeup Bag

It's available in two different varieties:
1. Daily Ritual/Discovery Kit (Verdaud Signature)
2. Daily Ritual/Discovery Kit (Verdaud Pure)

Put ceremony into your skincare with VERDAUD. 

Barbara Paprock

What Is It and Why in Skincare and Personal Care Products?

Polyethylene glycols, commonly referred to as PEGs are polymers of ethylene oxide that do a variety of functions in cosmetics based on their molecular weight.  PEGs are used in cosmetic formulations as thickeners, solvents, softeners, and moisture-carriers.  A “penetration enhancer,” PEGs increase the permeability of the skin to allow greater absorption of a product — including harmful ingredients.  They can cause allergic reactions.


PEGs are typically followed by a number correlating to how many units of ethylene glycol they’re made up of, i.e. PEG-4 or PEG-100; the lower the number, the more easily the compound is absorbed into the skin.


So What’s So Bad?

The Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) panel, an expert panel that evaluates the safety of ingredients used in cosmetics and personal care items, concluded that PEGs should not be used on damaged skin as absorption is enhanced.  In burn victims the use of ointments containing PEGs resulted in kidney damage and eventual death.


The Expert Panel also expressed concern regarding the possible presence of ethylene oxide and trace amounts of 1,4-dioxane as impurities. They stressed that the cosmetic industry should continue to use the necessary purification procedures to remove these impurities from the ingredient before blending it into cosmetic formulations.

VERDAUD does not contain any PEGs.








Barbara PaprockComment


What Is It and Why in Skincare and Personal Care Products?

Phenoxyethanol is a preservative to limit bacterial growth.  It is also a stabilizer for ingredients that may deteriorate and spoil.  It’s widely used in many personal care products including perfumes, soaps, cosmetics and shaving cream.  It’s used as a substitute for parabens (another ingredient that’s cause for concern).  On a label you may see it as:

  • Phenoxythanonol

  • Ethylene glycol monophenyl ester

  • 2-phenoxyethanol

  • PhE

  • Dowanol

  • Arosol

  • Phenoxetol

  • Rose ether

  • Phenoxyethyl alcohol

  • Beta-hydroxyethyl phenyl ether

  • Optiphen Plus

 So What’s So Bad?

Currently the FDA has approved phenoxyethanlol for use in products applied onto the skin.  The Cosmetic Ingredient Review also recognizes it as safe in concentrations less than or equal to 1% of the product formulation.  The European Union also says it’s safe in the same concentration, but voiced concern regarding the use of multiples products with phenoxyethanol.  Because it’s so widely used in so many products, could there be a risk of overexposure and accumulation?

 In 2008, the FDA recalled a nipple cream with phenoxyethanol due to safety concerns for breastfeeding infants.  There were reports of acute central nervous effects in these infants exhibited by vomiting, diarrhea, decreased appetite, difficulty waking, limpness of extremities and change in skin color.

It has been noted that sensitive individuals exhibited skin irritations, dermatitis, rash, eczema and hives when using products containing phenoxyethanol.  It’s even linked to analphylaxis – an acute, severe, allergic reaction that can be life threatening.  It’s best to avoid products containing this ingredient, especially if allergic to it, pregnant or breastfeeding.  It is definitely not for use in children.

Because VERDAUD has been designed and formulated for the most sensitive skin, no VERDAUD  products contain phenoxyethanol.









Barbara PaprockComment

Like you, I was addicted to makeup, skincare products and specific foods and drinks, spending thousands of dollars for most of my adult life. As a retired healthcare administrator, I felt confident that I had been using the best of the best, spending top dollar for my skincare, makeup and food that I'd use religiously on a daily basis.

But really, were these products the best for me, or for any human, for that matter?

You mean I'll have to get rid of what I love to eat and what I thought made me presentable. YIKES!!!

Now that my career in nutrition had come to a close in 2014, I had more time to investigate what had been making me feel run down, sick, bloated, and still experiencing pimples and breakouts like a teenager.

My "makeover" over the past 10 years has been a process. It has involved taking a critical look at what I was eating, drinking and putting on my body.

These are the life changers for me that decreased the toxic load of junk that assaulted my body on the regular and cleared my skin and helped me feel better overall. Some things may ring true for you:

AS ABOVE ... On the outside:
1. Stopped coloring my hair.
2. Stopped using benzoyl peroxide on my face (used daily for 25+ years to keep breakouts at bay).
3. Started reading labels of all my food, makeup and personal care products (toothpaste, deodorant, soap, facial cleansers, makeup removers, toners, moisturizers, foundation, powers, eye shadow, mascara, lipstick, lip gloss, hair dye).
4. Did my research and one by one I eliminated products based on the questionable ingredients.
5. Stopped wearing makeup, which was clogging my pores like crazy. Now on occasion I'll wear some lipstick made with organic, safe ingredients (even using it as a makeshift blush).

SO BELOW ... On the inside:
1. Stopped taking SSRI for my anxiety.  Paroxetine (Paxil) was my drug of choice. This was no easy task as weaning off this med, that I took for 10+ years, was one of the hardest things.
2. Stopped drinking Diet Pepsi, switching to water and herbal teas. Also, not an easy task, I may add.
3. Stopped eating gluten which included my favorite breads, pastas, cereals and snack foods.
4. Stopped eating foods containing sugar, such as candies, desserts and other sugar sweetened foods like “healthy" yogurt.
5. Switched out all my seed-based oils (sunflower, safflower, corn, peanut and canola oil) and foods made with them for olive oil and avocado oil and avocado.
6. Got rid of the ultra-processed foods and started cooking all foods from scratch.
7. Switched out conventionally grown foods for organic.

I thought I had been doing things right. Forty years as a registered dietitian made me smart, a person with good judgment about health issues .... right?

Turns out, I was wrong about ALOT.

Once I learned more about safe, more effective skin and body care I found I couldn't "un-ring that bell".  There was no going back. This is for keeps. Everything matters when it comes to health, which includes the health of my skin.

Seven years in the making, I co-founded VERDAUD with my son and daughter-in-law. Through our research, trial and error with what worked best, VERDAUD was created.

This is the only thing, along with better nutrition, that healed our skin. I had my issues with oily, unbalanced skin with breakouts in my 60's. My daughter-in-law had problems with breakouts from psoriasis, dry skin and itchy skin head to toe in her 20's.

My journey represents the mission and philosophy behind VERDAUD. It actually is quite freeing. VERDAUD works for both ends of the spectrum to balance and heal skin.

Fast track to today. I am a gray haired, 70-year-old grandmother who is a bit wiser with smooth skin that is moisturized and finally without pimples. 

It was, and still remains a process to detoxify my life, as it will be for you. My journey continues.

Barbara Paprock


What Is It and Why in Skincare and Personal Care Products?

Phthalates are plasticizers.  They’re used as solvents and stabilizers in cosmetics and fragrances.  Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) is used mainly in nail products as a solvent for dyes and as a plasticizer to prevent nail polish from becoming brittle.  Exposure most occurs from personal care products and cosmetics that are left on the skin for extended periods of time, such as perfumes, moisturizers and serums.

 So What’s So Bad?

Studies to date are inconclusive.  But there is cause for concern because of the following links to phthalate use:

  • Hormone function disruption.

  • Developmental and reproductive toxicity.

  • Cancer.

  • Early puberty in girls.

  • Reduced sperm count in men.

  • Reproductive defects in the developing male fetus (when the mother is exposed during pregnancy).

One study indicated infants exposed to phthalates in the form of baby shampoo, baby lotions and baby powder showed increased levels of phthalates metabolites in their urine.  The report, however, did not link this finding to any adverse health effects ….. yet.

 (Sources: Baby Care Products: Possible Sources of Infant Phthalate Exposure, S. Sathyanarayana, Pediatrics, 2008, vol. 121, pp. 260-268.

A Survey of Phthalate Esters In Consumer Cosmetic Products, (J.C. Hubinger, Journal of Cosmetic Science, 2010, vol. 61, no. 6, pp 457-465).

Interesting –- phthalate are banned in the European Union, but the FDA declares phthalate-containing products don’t pose any known human health risk. 

Studies have indicated a slight decrease in the number of phthalates used in cosmetic products since 2004, but it’s hard to know for sure.  Look for these on labels to avoid phthalates:

  • DEP

  • DBP

  • DEHP

  • Fragrance/parfum

VERDAUD products do not contain phthalates.

And……. Think twice the next time you polish your nails.

Barbara PaprockComment


What Is It and Why in Skincare and Personal Care Products?

Better known as EDTA, is a colorless and water soluble chemical.  Today EDTA is synthesized from ethylenediamine, formaldehyde, and a source of cyanide.  In skin care products it’s used as a preservative, a stabilizer and foaming agent to help personal care products work better in hard water.  EDTA also enhances the penetration of skin care ingredients which sounds like a good thing. 

 So What’s So Bad?

Unfortunately, EDTA is not selective only letting in the good stuff.  It enhances the absorption of bad chemicals, too, found in water and the other unwanted ingredients in everyday skin care. The FDA has considered it safe … but is it? 

Studies to date have not proven EDTA to be a danger, however, in a final document reported in the International Journal of Toxicology:

“Because of the potential to increase the penetration of other chemicals, formulators should continue to be aware of this when combining these ingredients with ingredients that previously have been determined to be safe, primarily because they were not significantly absorbed.”

Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12396676

To avoid this ingredient, watch for these on the label:

  • Edetate sodium

  • Tetrasodium edetate

  • Tetrasodium salt


The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has reservations about the use of EDTA in skincare due to possible skin irritation. Although not expected to be bio accumulative (meaning EDTA continues to increase tissue buildup in the body over time) EWG classifies EDTA as expected to be toxic or harmful., a medium human health priority.

VERDAUD was developed as a skin and body care product line that won’t irritate the most sensitive skin. That’s why you won’t find EDTA in VERDAUD.

Source: EWG Skin Deep® | What is EDTA



What Is It and Why in Skincare and Personal Care Products?

Dimethicone, one of the most popular siloxanes, is also known as polydimethylsiloxane.  It is a silicon based polymer compound commonly referred to as a silicone.  It is widely used in medical devices, foods, shampoos, moisturizers, makeup and other skin care products.  In personal care products dimethicone is used to:

1.       Decrease foam when products are shaken.

2.       Condition hair to enhance its appearance and feel.

3.       Condition and smooth the skin by forming a skin barrier to reduce water loss.

4.       Temporarily protect the skin.

5.       Provide a smooth product application.

Dimethicone claims to fill in uneven skin texture, fine lines and wrinkles. (Sounds a lot like paint spackle to me!)  Other names you may see on labels include: methicone, phenyltrimethicone, cyclomethicone, dimethiconol, dimethicone copolyol. They are generally considered safe by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)….. but are they? 

So What’s So Bad?

Silicones provide a coverage to the skin that may give a smoother appearance.  This coverage may help keep moisture in the skin.  Along with trapping moisture, it also traps bacteria and dead skin cells.  These non-biodegradable compounds interfere with the skin’s natural ability to “breathe” and regulate body temperature.  Sweat, oil, bacteria and dead skin cells are trapped – all fuel for skin irritation, black heads, blemishes and acne. One or two applications may not seem a problem, but continued use may lead to major skin issues.  

Due to the hormone disrupting aspect, dimethicone also has been linked to human fertility impairment.  It has been suggested If trying to conceive, avoid dimethicone.  Why? Where’s the connection?

Dimethicone is produced from cyclotetrasiloxane (D4) and cylcopentasiloxane (D5) and contains residual amounts of D4 and D5.  Environment Canada concluded that D4 and D5 are toxic, persistent, and have the potential to bioaccumulate in aquatic organisms.  In other words, there is an absorption of this toxins faster than these toxins can be eliminated.  Also, the European Union classifies D4 as a hormone disruptor, based on evidence that it interferes with human hormone function, and a possible reproductive toxicant that may impair human fertility. (Source: https://davidsuzuki.org/living-green/dirty-dozen-siloxanes/)

VERDAUD does not contain dimethicone or any other silicones or siloxanes.

Barbara PaprockComment


What Is It and Why in Skincare and Personal Care Products?

Made up of synthetic ingredients added to products to make them smell good. 

So What’s So Bad?

Artificial fragrance is synthetic and contains endocrine/hormone disrupting chemicals.  These chemicals may interfere with the production of vital hormones that control and regulate cell and organ activity.  They mimic or disrupt the natural function of hormones, fooling the body into over-responding to a stimulus or blocking hormones from receptor sites. Individual fragrance ingredients have been associated with cancer and neurotoxicity.  Although highly controversial and poorly understood by conventional science, these compounds require much more study. 

Artificial fragrance has been linked with the following immediate effects:

  • skin irritation or runny eyes and nose

  • triggering of allergies, migraines, and asthma symptoms

  • worsening of asthma, and perhaps even contributing to its development in children

Long term effects due to these hormone disrupting properties:

  • Thyroid problems

  • Infertility

  • Early menopause

  • Early puberty

  • Obesity

  • Diabetes

  • Certain cancers such as prostate, testicular and breast cancers

Diethyl phthalate (DEP), a hormone-disrupting chemical, is a common type of plastic used in fragrances to help the scent linger.  A 2014 study found DEP had penetrated 75% of the human samples from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) which suggests widespread exposure and absorption (Source: Americanchemistry.com)

There is limited human data on the relationship between exposure to DEP and its effect on human health. However, animal studies indicate a link to liver tumors, birth defects and kidney problems.  

If this is a cause for concern for you, as it is for VERDAUD, avoid use of any product that contains synthetic fragrance or parfum/perfume.  This will be listed on the label.  

Don’t be fooled by companies who brag their products contain no phthalates (plastics).  You won’t see phthalates listed on the label.  This nasty plastic is hidden in fragrance/parfum, which is listed on the label.  

VERDAUD contains no artificial fragrance.  There are no phthalates in any of our products.  Small amounts of essential oils have been added to some of our products which imparts a natural fragrance.  These essential oils have been carefully selected due to the skin benefits.  The specific oils will be listed on the labels and in the product descriptions.

We do also offer a VERDAUD Pure Balancing Toner and VERDAUD Pure Moisturizer that contains no essential oils. These products are great for pregnant, nursing Moms or anyone who prefers to avoid essential oils.





Barbara PaprockComment

Potentially dangerous ingredients in personal care products make an unnecessary contribution to the toxic load of chemicals that assault our bodies on the regular. There are many environmental factors we just can’t control, but we CAN control what we use on our skin, hair and nails.

We, at VERDAUD, feel these artificial ingredients potentially retard the body’s natural ability to heal itself. They may work for the moment, but what about the silent, cumulative damage that rears its ugly head after days, weeks, months or even years of use.

There’s information out there for and against these compounds that made it onto our list. Some claim people like us are creating an hysteria over the use of products with these components.

Certainly, additional studies are needed, but we error on the side of caution. In our 7 year quest to develop VERDAUD we experienced many of the cited side effects, such as redness, irtitation, breakouts, itching and pain. It was only after, literally, trying everything that we created the VERDAUD Signature formulation that healed our skin.

Conventional skin care is like processed food — a cocktail of ingredients you can’t pronounce, that have been deemed generally safe by the FDA. They seem to make your skin feel and look better, for the moment. These compounds are suspected of causing stealth damage on the molecular, cellular level. The damage is too minute to feel or interfere with our day now. What about later?!?!

Check the labels on all your personal care products — face wash, moisturizer, toner, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, hair spray, deodorant, soap, perfume, hair gel, nail polish, etc, etc, etc.

When looking up product information on the internet or in magazines, or hearing commercials on TV, don’t stop at the benefits of the active ingredients of brand “XYZ”, which usually is the initial sales pitch. Check out ALL the ingredients, the inactive ones, too, as this is where the VERDAUD Frightful 15 are often hidden.

On to our list . . .

  1. Artificial fragrance, parfum

  2. Dimethicone and other siloxanes and silicones

  3. EDTA

  4. Phthalates

  5. Phenoxyethanol

  6. Polyethylene glycols (PEGs)

  7. Parabens

  8. Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), Sodium laureth sulfate (SLES)

  9. Petroleum, Petrolatem, Mineral oil

  10. Lanolin

  11. BHT, BHA

  12. DEA Diethanolamine, MEA Monoethanolamide, TEA Triethanolamine

  13. Formaldehyde, Formaldehyde-releasing agents

  14. Polyaminopropyl biguanide (PHMB)

  15. Triclosan

Stay tuned as we roll out more facts about each of our Frightful 15. Our future blog posts will provide detailed information regarding what each ingredient is and why it’s in skincare and personal care products, but not ours. We’ll delve into why it’s so bad. What does the latest research say.

In the mean time, start checking out those labels. Don’t believe all the hype.

You will see and feel immediate and sustainable improved skin results with VERDAUD, which is safe and effective for skin and body care.

Barbara PaprockComment