What Is It and Why in Skincare and Personal Care Products?

Made up of synthetic ingredients added to products to make them smell good. 

So What’s So Bad?

Artificial fragrance is synthetic and contains endocrine/hormone disrupting chemicals.  These chemicals may interfere with the production of vital hormones that control and regulate cell and organ activity.  They mimic or disrupt the natural function of hormones, fooling the body into over-responding to a stimulus or blocking hormones from receptor sites. Individual fragrance ingredients have been associated with cancer and neurotoxicity.  Although highly controversial and poorly understood by conventional science, these compounds require much more study. 

Artificial fragrance has been linked with the following immediate effects:

  • skin irritation or runny eyes and nose

  • triggering of allergies, migraines, and asthma symptoms

  • worsening of asthma, and perhaps even contributing to its development in children

Long term effects due to these hormone disrupting properties:

  • Thyroid problems

  • Infertility

  • Early menopause

  • Early puberty

  • Obesity

  • Diabetes

  • Certain cancers such as prostate, testicular and breast cancers

Diethyl phthalate (DEP), a hormone-disrupting chemical, is a common type of plastic used in fragrances to help the scent linger.  A 2014 study found DEP had penetrated 75% of the human samples from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) which suggests widespread exposure and absorption (Source:

There is limited human data on the relationship between exposure to DEP and its effect on human health. However, animal studies indicate a link to liver tumors, birth defects and kidney problems.  

If this is a cause for concern for you, as it is for VERDAUD, avoid use of any product that contains synthetic fragrance or parfum/perfume.  This will be listed on the label.  

Don’t be fooled by companies who brag their products contain no phthalates (plastics).  You won’t see phthalates listed on the label.  This nasty plastic is hidden in fragrance/parfum, which is listed on the label.  

VERDAUD contains no artificial fragrance.  There are no phthalates in any of our products.  Small amounts of essential oils have been added to some of our products which imparts a natural fragrance.  These essential oils have been carefully selected due to the skin benefits.  The specific oils will be listed on the labels and in the product descriptions.

We do also offer a VERDAUD Pure Balancing Toner and VERDAUD Pure Moisturizer that contains no essential oils. These products are great for pregnant, nursing Moms or anyone who prefers to avoid essential oils.


Barbara PaprockComment