What Is It and Why in Skincare and Personal Care Products?

Phthalates are plasticizers.  They’re used as solvents and stabilizers in cosmetics and fragrances.  Dibutyl phthalate (DBP) is used mainly in nail products as a solvent for dyes and as a plasticizer to prevent nail polish from becoming brittle.  Exposure most occurs from personal care products and cosmetics that are left on the skin for extended periods of time, such as perfumes, moisturizers and serums.

 So What’s So Bad?

Studies to date are inconclusive.  But there is cause for concern because of the following links to phthalate use:

  • Hormone function disruption.

  • Developmental and reproductive toxicity.

  • Cancer.

  • Early puberty in girls.

  • Reduced sperm count in men.

  • Reproductive defects in the developing male fetus (when the mother is exposed during pregnancy).

One study indicated infants exposed to phthalates in the form of baby shampoo, baby lotions and baby powder showed increased levels of phthalates metabolites in their urine.  The report, however, did not link this finding to any adverse health effects ….. yet.

 (Sources: Baby Care Products: Possible Sources of Infant Phthalate Exposure, S. Sathyanarayana, Pediatrics, 2008, vol. 121, pp. 260-268.

A Survey of Phthalate Esters In Consumer Cosmetic Products, (J.C. Hubinger, Journal of Cosmetic Science, 2010, vol. 61, no. 6, pp 457-465).

Interesting –- phthalate are banned in the European Union, but the FDA declares phthalate-containing products don’t pose any known human health risk. 

Studies have indicated a slight decrease in the number of phthalates used in cosmetic products since 2004, but it’s hard to know for sure.  Look for these on labels to avoid phthalates:

  • DEP

  • DBP

  • DEHP

  • Fragrance/parfum

VERDAUD products do not contain phthalates.

And……. Think twice the next time you polish your nails.

Barbara PaprockComment