Potentially dangerous ingredients in personal care products make an unnecessary contribution to the toxic load of chemicals that assault our bodies on the regular. There are many environmental factors we just can’t control, but we CAN control what we use on our skin, hair and nails.

We, at VERDAUD, feel these artificial ingredients potentially retard the body’s natural ability to heal itself. They may work for the moment, but what about the silent, cumulative damage that rears its ugly head after days, weeks, months or even years of use.

There’s information out there for and against these compounds that made it onto our list. Some claim people like us are creating an hysteria over the use of products with these components.

Certainly, additional studies are needed, but we error on the side of caution. In our 7 year quest to develop VERDAUD we experienced many of the cited side effects, such as redness, irtitation, breakouts, itching and pain. It was only after, literally, trying everything that we created the VERDAUD Signature formulation that healed our skin.

Conventional skin care is like processed food — a cocktail of ingredients you can’t pronounce, that have been deemed generally safe by the FDA. They seem to make your skin feel and look better, for the moment. These compounds are suspected of causing stealth damage on the molecular, cellular level. The damage is too minute to feel or interfere with our day now. What about later?!?!

Check the labels on all your personal care products — face wash, moisturizer, toner, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, hair spray, deodorant, soap, perfume, hair gel, nail polish, etc, etc, etc.

When looking up product information on the internet or in magazines, or hearing commercials on TV, don’t stop at the benefits of the active ingredients of brand “XYZ”, which usually is the initial sales pitch. Check out ALL the ingredients, the inactive ones, too, as this is where the VERDAUD Frightful 15 are often hidden.

On to our list . . .

  1. Artificial fragrance, parfum

  2. Dimethicone and other siloxanes and silicones

  3. EDTA

  4. Phthalates

  5. Phenoxyethanol

  6. Polyethylene glycols (PEGs)

  7. Parabens

  8. Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), Sodium laureth sulfate (SLES)

  9. Petroleum, Petrolatem, Mineral oil

  10. Lanolin

  11. BHT, BHA

  12. DEA Diethanolamine, MEA Monoethanolamide, TEA Triethanolamine

  13. Formaldehyde, Formaldehyde-releasing agents

  14. Polyaminopropyl biguanide (PHMB)

  15. Triclosan

Stay tuned as we roll out more facts about each of our Frightful 15. Our future blog posts will provide detailed information regarding what each ingredient is and why it’s in skincare and personal care products, but not ours. We’ll delve into why it’s so bad. What does the latest research say.

In the mean time, start checking out those labels. Don’t believe all the hype.

You will see and feel immediate and sustainable improved skin results with VERDAUD, which is safe and effective for skin and body care.

Barbara PaprockComment