“There is no such thing as universally healthy food. The real question: Is the food healthy for you?”

Naveen Jain


In addition to using VERDAUD skin and body care products, the final component in the quest for healthy skin, is this:

The true secret to healthy skin is about what you put in your body, in addition to what you put on your body.

We believe our bodies are continuously being assaulted on a physical and molecular level by toxins that lead to inflammation. Acute inflammation has its purpose, as it's the body's way of fighting off infection and illness.

That's not the inflammation we're talking about here. It's the chronic, “silent” inflammation that occurs 24/7, as a result of the barrage of elements we deal with - the food we eat, the air we breath, the clothing we wear, the cosmetics and body care products we use.

The damage of chronic inflammation is a silent killer and the key driver of disease.

The disease and health concerns we speak of include the following:

  • Obesity

  • Prediabetes

  • Diabetes

  • Heart Disease

  • Cognitive Decline/Dementia

  • Cancer

  • Irritable Bowel

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease

  • Other Autoimmune Disorders (there are many)

In terms of diet, we're all unique with a different environment in our guts called the microbiome. This microbiome is a collection of approximately 40 trillion different organisms living in your gut.

These organisms help digest food, produce vitamins, and most importantly, regulate the immune system. They are essential for overall health.

What food plan works well for you and your microbiome doesn't necessarily work well for others.

So many eating styles . . .

  • High fiber

  • Low carb

  • Keto

  • Paleo

  • Whole30

  • Gluten free

  • Specific carbohydrate

  • Low FODMAP …. and on and on.

With so many foods out there, some claiming to be super healthy, the most important question to ask is this:


Observe and ask yourself these questions. Be honest with the answers:

  1. Do I feel good with no bad reactions after eating a food - immediately or 1-3 days after?

  2. Do I get gas and bloating when I eat a certain food?

  3. Does a specific food cause diarrhea or constipation?

  4. Do certain foods make me nauseous?

  5. Does eating a certain food cause skin irritation, inflammation, itching or any type of breakouts after 1 day?After a week?

  6. Do I experience confusion and/or “brain fog" after eating certain foods?

  7. Do I experience increased body aches and pains after eating certain foods?

We, at VERDAUD don't recommend one eating style over another. Our goal is to educate regarding undeniable, fundamental truths about skin and body health and healing to decrease the chronic inflammation mentioned above.

We have researched the top 20+ popular diets out there. It all gets very complicated.

But is it really?

We think not. Whatever eating style you aspire to, these are the nutrition facts and health habits that surface. These are the common, bottom-line, non-negotiables to live by for beautiful, healthy skin, mind and vital whole body health.

here's the non-negotiables


  1. Drink water daily. Two quarts filtered water is best.

  2. Eat a variety of whole, real food in it’s natural form on a consistent basis … Quality food containing protein and fat with carbs based on your needs. Don't forget portion control. Organic, grass fed and pasture raised is best.

  3. Make food choices that don't promote gas or digestive issues (will be different for everyone to heal the gut**). Choose the foods best for you.

  4. Eat real whole, gluten free grains like organic buckwheat, certified gluten free oats, teff, millet, amaranth or quinoa instead of grains containing gluten and “junk" starches (see below).

  5. Include healthy fats, like avocado, extra virgin olive oil, coconut and/or avocado oil at every meal.

  6. Choose food and/or supplements that contain omega-3 fats daily.

  7. Eat bulk of foods within 8-12 hour window of time each day. Example: breakfast at 8 AM, lunch mid-day, dinner at 6-7 PM with no snacking before bed. (Best not to eat any foods at least 3 hours before bed.) 12-14 hour overnight fast is a good rule of thumb.

  8. Eat foods in the right order at meals and snacks to prevent large spikes in blood sugar. Veggies first. Protein and fat next. Carbs last. This is for everyone, even if you don't have diabetes.

  9. Move your body every day. Sweat is good to rid the body of toxins.

  10. Get good sleep every night.

  11. Be a life-long learner. You're never too old or young to master a new skill or concept.

  12. Nurture social connections with family, friends and/or community.

Limit … Best to delete

  1. Sugars of all kinds and the foods and beverages that contain them, especially high fructose corn syrup.

  2. Sugar substitutes of all kinds and the foods and beverages that contain them.

  3. Fruit juices in excessive amounts.

  4. Excess sweets, desserts and snack foods like chips, candy, etc.

  5. Ultra-processed foods of all kinds.

  6. Grains that contain gluten (wheat, rye, barley, triticale) and “junk" gums and starches like refined rice flour, tapioca starch, arrowroot starch, gellan gum and xanthan gum (to name a few) if going gluten free.

  7. Trans fat (hydrogenated and partially hydrgenated oils) and vegetable seed oils such as sunflower oil, safflower oil, canola, corn, cottonseed, and soy/soybean oil and the foods that contain them. Check the food labels.

  8. Carageenan in foods and beverages. Check food labels.

  9. Excess calorie intake at meals and throughout the day that promotes unhealthy weight gain.

  10. Foods that give you digestive issues, even if you love them - a tough one for many.

  11. Smoking and alcohol.

  12. Toxic people and toxic situations (stress).

  13. Toxic skincare ingredients. See blog posts about the VERDAUD Frightful 15.

Whole body health is true beauty. Now is the time to start the hard work of figuring out what nutrition style is best for you. Not an easy task, this may take years to figure out totally.

Elimination diet with reintroduction of certain foods to test for reaction is key. Pay attention and listen to what your body tells you. Everything matters -- everything is everything.


**There's an epidemic of “gut" issues. The digestive tract is where most immune cells are and where nutrients are absorbed. It makes sense that improving gut health can improve health across the whole body, including the skin.


Note: As a healthcare professional with 40 years experience with nutrition counseling and education (and my own share of skin and gut issues), I can't emphasize enough the importance of nutrition and its effect on the health of the skin and body. I can't deny the impact healthy nutrition has had on myself and the health and skin of my family.

VERDAUD is more than skincare. It's a way of life.

Our philosophy of truth is what makes VERDAUD special and distinctive.

Barbara Paprock
Co-founder of VERDAUD


VERDAUD products are not intended for use in the cure, treatment, prevention, or mitigation of any disease, including the novel coronavirus. Any suggestion to the contrary is false and expressly disavowed.

We use organic and natural ingredients in all of our products, but it's still possible to experience an adverse reaction to certain ingredients. If any reaction or skin irritation occurs, discontinue use and consult with a medical professional. If pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor's care, consult your physician. Refrain from using the products containing silver if allergic to silver.