What is VERDAUD's return policy?

If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, email us within 30 days of receipt. Then return the containers and you'll get a full refund of the purchase price (minus shipping and handling), even if the containers are empty.

I forgot my password. How do i reset my password?

We are unable to change your password for you, but after clicking the “Sign In” link on the homepage, you can click “Forgot Password?” to send yourself a password reset email. This link expires after 24 hours.

some Verdaud products have fragrance. Where does the fragrance come from?

No VERDAUD products contain artificial fragrance or perfumes. The wonderful scent of some of our products come from our use of essential oils. Specific essential oils are chosen first for their skin care benefits. A secondary bonus is the positive aromatherapy experience which can improve mood, enhance relaxation and help with sleep. The essential oils used in VERDAUD will be listed on the label.

What is the VERDAUD Proprietary Blend?

The VERDAUD Proprietary Blend (VPB) is our signature combination of organic oils with botanical extracts. Some of the key ingredients include argan oil, sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, evening primrose extract and geranium extract, to name a few.

VPB is found in all products with the exception of the PURE Collection. The PURE Collection was designed for pregnant and nursing moms or anyone who wishes to avoid essenal oils.

what are essential oils? Are essential oils safe for everyone to use?

An essential oil is the scented liquid taken from certain plants using steam or pressure. Essential oils contain the natural chemicals that give the plant its “essence” (specific odor and flavor).

Essential oils are very potent. We strive to use the specific amount in our formulations that provide the skin benefits without the irritation.

Many of our essential oils are organic. This will be listed on the product label and on the the website listing. All VERDAUD essential oils are steam-distilled without the use of solvents. We recommend you check with your healthcare professional before use if pregnant, nursing or have allergies. If you develop an adverse reaction after use, discontinue use and contact a healthcare professional.

At VERDAUD we understand and have developed a PURE Toner and PURE Moisturizers that contains no essential oils or tree nut oils.

What is the shelf life for VErdaud products?

We recommend 1 year for VERDAUD products. For Structured Silver products, follow the date on the package.

Is separation of oils normal in the lotions?

Because we use no artificial emulsifiers in our formulations it's perfectly natural to have some oil separation. This does not affect the potency or performance of the product. Simply stir with a small knife or spoon to mix the product and apply as usual.

How much verdaud product should i use?

All VERDAUD products are super concentrated and emollient, not like any other cream. Truly, a little goes a long way.

…. “A little dab will do ya.”

The VERDAUD logo bee on the cover of our products represents the small dollop needed for one application or use. It's best to rub that on your skin and wait a few minutes for full absorption.

Is structured silver the same as colloidal silver?

No. The main difference is that colloidal silver contains larger particle sizes that can separate from the solution, causing some silver to be left in the body to be processed.

Structured Silver is unique. It contains silver molecules that are bound to structured water molecules, making silver a part of the water molecule.

This structured water is extremely bioavailable, making it a perfect carrier for the silver particles. The alkaline pH is gentler on the body than more acidic colloidal silvers.

Structured Silver is the #1 choice of natural health professionals.

Will i turn blue taking Structured silver?

This is a common belief due to a rare skin pigmentation called argyria. It typically refers to cases where a low quality silver generator is used --- one that is unable to control particle size, and therefore unable to properly bond the silver particles to the water molecules.

The advanced technology used in our silver products bonds nano-sized particles of silver to the water molecules. This ensures they can never separate or create any adverse effects in the body.

Properly formulated silver will exit the body within 12 hours, and will never build up in the cells.

Will silver magically solve all my health issues?

No wellness product can magically heal. What pH Balanced Structured Silver can do is support a healthy digestive and immune system, and naturally cleanse your gut safely and effectively.


VERDAUD products are not intended for use in the cure, treatment, prevention, or mitigation of any disease, including the novel coronavirus. Any suggestion to the contrary is false and expressly disavowed.
We use organic and natural ingredients in all of our products, but it's still possible to experience an adverse reaction to certain ingredients. If any reaction or skin irritation occurs, discontinue use and consult with a medical professional. If pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor's care, consult your physician. Refrain from using the products containing silver if allergic to silver.